Prof. Jean-Pierre Briand

Emeritus Professor, Université P. et M. Curie

J.P.Briand is an Emeritus Professor at Université P. et M. Curie (Paris) and the head of ISAP µE. (Ion Surface Advanced Processes)

Jean-Pierre Briand



Hollow Atoms Above Dielectrics And Metals

Highly charged ions near surfaces capture electrons, forming hollow atoms that decay through autoionization. The sequence of electron capture and autoionization events is unknown and depends on ion charge and surface type. Experiments on fully decelerated Ar18+ ions and lower charge ions (O7+, Ne9+) above dielectric and metal surfaces are reviewed.

Pierre Auger et la physique atomique

The Auger effect, discovered in 1923, was largely ignored by atomic physicists until the 1970s. Jean-Pierre Briand explores reasons for this disinterest, including conceptual difficulties and isolation between atomic and nuclear physicists. The article also presents lesser-known aspects of post-Auger physics.

Une Nouvelle Technique de Gravure en Microelectron

Multicharged ion beams, produced by ECR sources, have unique properties compared to monocharged ions used in microelectronics. The history and applications of these ions, including their interaction with surfaces and the formation of hollow atoms, are discussed. The focus is on structural modifications induced by multicharged ions and the X-ray spectroscopy techniques used to diagnose and control these changes.
Book Cover

Atoms in Unusual Situations

© 1986


Editors: Jean Pierre Briand

Series: NATO Science Series B: (NSSB, volume 143)

About this book: Atomic Physics is certainly the oldest field in which Quantum Mechanics has been used and has provided the most significant proofs of this new theory. Most of the basic concepts, except those more recently developed in field quantization, have been understood for quite a time. Atomic Physics began to serve as a basis for other fields such as molecular, solid state or nuclear physics. A renewal of interest in Atomic Physics began in the sixties, after the discovery of Quantum Electro­ dynamics, and later when it provided some basic tests of fundamental questions like parity violation, time reversal or Dirac theory. More recently the development of new technologies led to the exploration of very extreme cases in which the most secret aspects of atoms have been observed.

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Post "retirement" business

Officially retired in October 2001. Continued experiments on the basic processes of interaction of Highly Charged Ions with surfaces from 2002 to 2004.

Founded ISAP (Ions Surfaces Advanced Processes) in 2005 to pursue industrial applications of HCI on surfaces.

Currently working with SEPH (Société d'Etudes PHysiques) to promote and improve patents on surface modifications induced by highly charged ions.

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